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Boost you’re gambling with luck-bringing plants 

28 August, 2024

There are several lucky charms to choose from but as it’s summer, why not try some flowers and plants? Fact is, there is more than one flower that is said to boost your luck. Hopefully, you’ll feel it the next time you log in at your online casino. Who knows, a lucky flower plant might even bring you a fortune in other aspects of your life! The list with these types of plants is rather long but we’ve handpicked our favourites that are supposed to bring you luck, at least according when it comes to Feng Shui. Why not keep one in every room of your home to get the most of it. 


There are so many different types of orchids. It is said that there are more than 25 000 species of the flower around the world, which is rather impressive. Orchids represent love in various aspects as it attracts love, the flower is soothing for your soul and can deepen friendships. Ancient Greeks also associated orchids with both fertility and virility. They should also help you enhance career success. Keep orchids around your house for harmony and for progress as well as a little bit of good luck while you’re gambling at UK casinos online. 

Money Tree 

Looking for a green and cool option among the plants that bring you a fortune, you should go for a Money Tree or two. This plan is also used in Feng Shui quite a lot. Normally they are braided together and this is crucial for the luck to work and grow. The key is to have at least three to five braided plants. Make sure you don’t have four since this is meant to be unlucky! It’s also said that the person who’s caring for the Money Tree will enjoy happiness in general and in addition to the well-being the tree should bring money into the owner’s home. 


Within many Asian cultures, the lotus flower is considered sacred. With a lotus in your home, you will bring peace and harmony to your surroundings. Pair the lotus with lilies in order to bring both luck and purity. Keep in mind that you must trim dead and/or dying parts from the plants to maintain the positive energy that the lotus provides. 

Lucky Bamboo 

As the name already implies the Lucky Bamboo is supposed to bring not only health and wealth but also happiness and love to its owner. The part about the plant bringing luck has to do with that the Lucky Bamboo comes from stalks. By getting more stalks the greater your fortune and luck will be. It’s also easy to take care of the Lucky Bamboo making it so popular. 


In Asia, the chrysanthemums are treasured as they are said to balance your life and bring you success. Keeping yellow chrysanthemums will help your dreams come true. Why not put some chrysanthemums in your windows that might help your visitors with good fortune as well. We would also keep the flowers near our favourite spot for gambling at UK casinos online. Maybe in the living room if that’s where you prefer to play. 


Peonies are lovely (and Slots Dads favourite flower here at BestCasino) and they should also bring luck to your home. Depending on the colour you can attract different types of luck. The pink ones are said to be placed in your bedroom as it’s the flower of romance. A shade of deeper red is more about marriage. To take advantage of peonies luck you should buy an odd number of the flower and bring to your home. One fact to consider is that Feng Shui adapters don’t recommend peonies in your bedroom because they might lead to an affair with a younger woman – if you believe in this stuff. 

Plum Blossoms

Looking for health and healing you should go for flowering branches such as plum, cherry, and peach. One evidence of their toughness is that many of these branches tend to flower during winter too. This is actually one of the reasons that plum blossoms have been proposed to become the national flower of China. Plum blossoms and other flowering branches are often used for decorations as they gather positive chi. Not to mention that they attract long-term good fortune. We all want that, especially while playing at online casinos! 

Get the most luck out of your flowers  

We hope that you find at least one or two flowers in the list above that will interest you when you want to increase your luck while gambling online. Just remember that you need to take care of them. If you don’t remove brown and dead flowers you will attract unhealthy energy instead of luck. Also, don’t get a bonsai, even though they’re cute. They’re not bringing good Feng Shui to your home. 

You will get to learn how to work with good luck flowers and Feng Shui quite easily by practicing common sense. If you’re curious about these plants and flowers there is a lot of information to find online. The team at BestCasino wish you the best of luck on your next trip to the florist!